Tag Archives: tales

Mage troubles

11 Nov

Organizing a raid should not be this hard

25 Aug

Recently I decided we have enough members in the guild that we could organize a second raid team. People seemed to be down with the idea too. Everything goes smooth, we have enough people signed up for the event, everyone is informed they are coming. I even do some dungeons with the new people on my alt characters, they were a little strange but seemed fun and they knew what they were doing. Then I log my main character (under which name I am organizing the raids) and I get these messages:

I had no idea what was going on but I sure as hell hope this person shows up tonight, otherwise the whole event might be screwed…


PoV: you are a healer and you ask for a mana break; your tank pulls the next pack anyway.

23 Jun

Need 1 mage food 80

18 Jun

I have found out the trade chat in WoW is the best early in the morning. Sometimes you get people who are absolutely clueless… or lost in translation… or simply don’t care.


When you join a pick-up group and the leader’s mental state gets progressively worse through the course of the raid to the point where he is no longer coherent.

18 Apr

Serious question

14 Mar

To start off the new blog, I will share one PvP experience while I was playing on a monofaction server (and I was not of the preferred faction). I was strolling through one low-level horde zone to do a quest. Suddenly, an enemy warrior that was boosting his low-level friend attacked me and killed me. No biggie, I found my corpse and sat down to regain health but he came again while i was half HP.

So this lad wants to play dirty, fine. I resurrected, summoned my tanky pet, made a healthstone, found him and absolutely destroyed him and his buddy, who did not respect the 1v1 and tried to heal him. After I returned the “favour” and killed the warrior 3 more times, he stopped ressing. Little did he know that I was not done with him.

I followed his low-level buddy to the nearest horde town in hopes that they communicate and the booster will show up as well. About 5 minutes later, just as we reached town, lo and behold the warrior came full HP, guns blazing… and died again. The boostie did not respect the 1v1 yet again, so unfortunately he had to die as well. Then I mounted up and went to do my quest.

The next day I received the following mail in the box:

While there was no question in the entirety of the letter despite the title, I did not fail to notice that for this “mere world PvP encounter” he remembered my name, made an alliance character (on a different account, because back then one was not allowed to have both factions on the same account) and sent me a message how non-affected he is by the entire thing.

And this is how the tragic story of Ergark-Shazzrah, the orc warrior, ends, for he had deleted his character before I could reply to him (and send him a pinch of salt from the leatherworking supply vendor).